ESG & DEI: Best Practices for Building Industry Applications
Presented by National Institute of Building Sciences, Building Innovation 2021: Virtual Edition
Discover how environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance transparency are translating into integrated actions throughout the real estate community.
From planning around benchmarking and reporting to determining how to integrate DEI into the workplace and supply chains, participants will take away actionable ideas for their own ESG and DEI efforts.
Expert Panel
- Vicki Worden, President & CEO, Green Building Initiative
- Brenna Walraven, President & CEO, Corporate Sustainability Strategies
- Zahn Patin, Principal Consultant, The Wonder Group
September 28, 2021
2:00 PM – 2:50 PM ET
Use code SPEAKER10 for 10% off
Why Attend
There’s no other event that brings together this unique set of individuals–government agencies, contractors, the private sector, architects, scientists and more–to improve the built environment. The conference will cover three hot topics in the built environment over three days with expert-led sessions. Earn AIA-approved CES/HSW credits for conference attendance. Topics include:
- Resilience – NIBS and the American Institute of Architects define resiliency as the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events. Between the pandemic and a growing number of catastrophic natural disasters, the built environment is at the forefront. Disasters are expensive, but most destruction can be prevented with cost-effective mitigation and advanced planning. New and existing practices must be developed or changed through research, advocacy, and education. A special focus will be placed on ensuring the resilience of the nation’s building stock, covering topics in the built environment relating to resilience due to climate change, natural hazard risks, and sustainability efforts.
- Technology – New and advanced technologies rapidly are developed and deployed across the building industry, with major potential shifts in how the industry conducts day-to-day business. In addition to research and development into new technologies, the industry must be prepared for how these technologies will be adopted and utilized. NIBS is working to prepare the industry for new opportunities, as well as promote advanced, efficient, and safe structures. Building Innovation 2021 will showcase these advanced technologies and practices and highlight how the industry can best prepare for their adoption and deployment.
- Workforce – The building industry faces many workforce challenges, from skills gaps to labor shortages. Today’s building workforce requires unprecedented technological, social, cultural, political, and economic savvy — all at a time when fewer individuals are entering the trades industry. Through various projects and its councils and committees, NIBS is working to address head-on these challenges. Activities in this space include showcasing career opportunities in the building industry; supporting better credentials and reducing uncertainty in the credentialing space; and, supporting continuing education and retraining opportunities for trades workers. Building Innovation 2021 will highlight this critical challenge for the industry, as well as opportunities for advancing the building workforce to meet 21st century needs.
About National Institute of Building Sciences
NIBS is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization that supports advances in building science and technology. They were established by the U.S. Congress in the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383. Congress recognized the need for an organization to serve as an interface between government and the private sector – one that serves as a resource to those who plan, design, procure, construct, use, operate, maintain, renovate, and retire physical facilities.